Dr. Ladouceur is a tenured Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Psychology and a member of the training faculty in the Center for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh (CNUP). She is a clinical child psychologist and Director of the Cognitive-Affective Neuroscience and Development (CAN-D) Laboratory. Dr. Ladouceur’s research program focuses on understanding the development of brain networks implicated in emotion processing and regulation in typically developing youth as well as those at-risk for or diagnosed with anxiety or mood disorders. Her recent work aims to characterize how pubertal maturation and changes in pubertal hormones impact the development of neural circuitries implicated in emotion regulation to deepen understanding of sex differences in risk for anxiety and mood disorders during adolescence. Her research has been funded by the BBRF, NIMH, and CTSI. Dr. Ladouceur is Co-Director of the Career Academic Research Development seminar (CARD) Seminar, a weekly course within the Department of Psychiatry that provides postdoctoral trainees with foundational career development skills, such as grant writing, that contributes to a successful transition to becoming faculty and receiving funding (e.g., K-award). She is a member of the editorial boards of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and the Journal of Research on Adolescence and serves on committees of scientific organizations such as the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) and the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA). Dr. Ladouceur has received numerous awards for her research. She is a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and a member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.